Thanks to Bay Area Recycling for Charities , my "carbon footprint" just got a whole lot smaller!!! Today I'm happy to say, I kicked Waste Management permanently to the curb :) Since I recycle and/or compost everything, I now have ZERO trash!!! WOO HOO!!!
Many people have asked me how I went to zero trash. Well, as they say, "Rome wasn't built in a day" :)
For nearly 20 years, I've been recycling in one way or another. Last summer, I built a compose pile for kitchen scraps. Also last summer, I migrated to cloth bags instead of plastic shopping bags. The grocery store I shop sells them for .99 or exchanges them free with points earned for shopping. I've traded points for approximately 30 bags and given bags to friends. The bags are washable and guaranteed for life. If they fray or wear out, the store will replace them for free.
This past spring when I noticed that the only thing in my trash was plastic bags (like from bread, produce, etc) or non-recyclable plastics, I was pissed that I was paying $15/month for trash service for essentially picking up what was non-recyclable materials. I got to really thinking about all that plastic in the landfill and it completely disturbed me!!
Another thing I thought about is how much we pay other people to take care of our trash. All we merely do is pay someone else for the convenience of not being responsible with our own trash. If we bag everything up and pay a company $15/month to pick it up, the trash may disappear from our curb, but it doesn't disappear from the environment. We pay $15/month to clean our trash, but also to clean our consciences. Something to think about...
Technically everything is recyclable. The issue is whether there is a market for it. Enter companies like Bay Area Recycling which not only endorses and educates that ALL trash is 100% recyclable or compostable, they also take plastic bags, films and other "non recyclable" items.
The major hurdle for trashing the trash and being 100% recycling/composting, is the issue of menstruation. As women know, one of the greatest monthly costs and trash factor is tampons or pads.
Two years ago I switched from tampons to a Diva Cup which is a hygienic reusable cup. My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner!! I've never ever been thrilled about "that time of the month". When I started using the Diva Cup, it was like I reclaimed my body from marketers, manufacturers and society telling me what to do with my body. For millenia women have dealt healthily with this monthly phenomenon. It's taken "modern man" to distort the view of our natural process and taught us that it's dirty or somehow needs to be sanitized away.
As you can see, I'm quite passionate about this! I can't tell you how truly liberating it's been. Being able to camp without fret about "packing out" used feminine products is a joy!! I no longer have to plan my camping or kayak expeditions around "that time"!!
Another bonus to the Diva Cup is absolutely NO cramps!! My body feels healthier and my >ahem< female area is pH balanced because it is no longer being leeched of natural moisture or absorbing harmful bleaches and chemicals from feminine products.
Email me for more info if you're interested on specific feedback, cost, ect.
Overall my journey to ZERO trash has been a little at a time, looking at MY own accountability regarding the trash I generated. I started shopping smarter (not buying products in excessive packaging, bringing my own bags, carrying things out without bags).
Certainly $15 a month is not going to make or break me. But adding more trash to our environment WILL eventually make or break the planet. No matter your religious persuasion or philosophical bent, Earth is the ONLY planet which is inhabitable for mankind. As Ghandi said, "Be the change you want in the world". I am making my world 100% trash free!! :)
A Letter from the (national) Lakeshore
1 day ago