Life is an adventure!

Open your sail and allow the wind to carry you toward your dreams...

The athlete in me recognizes the athlete in you!

WORD OF THE DAY: athlete
Pronunciation: ˈaTHˌlēt
Definition: "A person who performs sports, games and/or other forms of physical prowess and skill."
Usage: "Athletes aspire and inspire simply by putting themselves out there!"

If you have a body, if you have a heartbeat, if you breathe, if you have movement, YOU are an athlete. No matter your shape, your size, your speed, your skill or your ability, you ARE an athlete!

I'll say it again: You. Are. An. Athlete.

How does it feel to hear that?

In all honesty, it's taken me a very long time to embrace the understanding that I am an athlete.

Why is that?

Despite presentation and perception in the media, an "athlete" does not mean an "elite". Athlete does not refer to the chosen few, or the superstar or one of extraordinary achievement.

An athlete does not have to be a specific shape.
An athlete does not have to be a certain size.
An athlete does not have to be a particular ability.

Every BODY has the right to exist, to move, to be, to love, to be loved!
Every BODY has the capacity to aspire to be anything s/he wants!
Every BODY has the ability to inspire others!

This post goes out to all the athletes in my life: myself, my Marine Corp Marathon-training partner Debra​, my scuba-diving / NatGeo quality photographer sister Suzi, my half-marathon'ing/trail-running cousin Traci​, my amazing Mom​ (who rides her stationary bike every other day despite being legally blind and having MS), and to all my virtual and actual peeps. To each of us fighting inner and outer battles of which others are unaware. Life is tough. Athletes are tougher because they keep showing up, they keep trying, they keep moving and they keep aspiring and inspiring!

Each day we wake up, it's the Universe's way of saying, "Congratulations, you get another day to aspire and inspire!"

Whether you run, bike, swim or crawl...whether you are fast or slow...whether you go forward or backward...whether or not you believe you are an athlete: embrace, inhale, exhale, aspire and inspire!!

What are you waiting for?

Namaste / The athlete in me recognizes the athlete in you!


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