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We Can Do It: Women Can Stop Trump!

I am voting FOR Hillary Clinton because she is the most qualified candidate. Period. I am not voting for her BECAUSE she is a woman.
Honestly, any woman voting FOR Trump really really needs to examine her mental state...any man voting for Trump really really needs to be examined by a woman regarding his mental state!
The only reasons I seem to hear from Trump supporters about why they are voting FOR Trump is because they are anti-Hillary.
Look, I get it...she was not my first choice. But she is THE only adult remaining in the room. She is professional, qualified and shoulders above Trump in regard to character, temperament, intelligence, compassion and empathy.
Yes, differences are good. Diversity of thoughts, ideas and concepts are healthy and bring moments of productive discord in order to move a society forward.
But when the differences exhibit nothing more than immature, infantile, juvenile, misogynistic, predatory and parasitic behavior, there is just no denying the fact that Trump lacks the qualifications for the office of President. Trump is wholly unfit to even stand in the room with those who ARE qualified for the Presidency and his presence in this race is an insult to those who have held the office and will hold the office. Furthermore, if Trump weren't the owner of his own company, no company would ever hire him as CEO.
Trump is brash, unpredictable, unintelligible, unhinged with no apparent regard for anything or anyone except himself. His behavior, his character, his "success", his celebrity and his status appear to be drawn from, driven by and enhanced through "the seven deadly sins": Pride, Envy, Wrath, Gluttony, Lust, Sloth and Greed.
/my page, my rant, my opinion/

"The world will be saved by the western woman." 
~ The Dalai Lama, Vancouver Peace Summit 2009

"Your vote really, really, really counts. A lot! 
You could consider me Exhibit A of that truth." ~ Al Gore


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